
Hideyour.cash is super simple to use, but pay attention to the instructions below to avoid mistakes that could cause loss of funds.

Disclaimer: the most important thing to avoid problems is to ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR TICKET ON A SAFE PLACE. Otherwise, you will lose your funds.

With that in mind, let's check the steps to make your transaction private!

  1. Connect wallet: First, connect your wallet to the app. If you don't have a wallet on Near, please, see the next section - "Near Protocol Wallets".

  2. Apply to the allowlist: after connecting your wallet, apply to the allowlist by clicking the "Allowlist" button. In the background, we'll check if your wallet has been involved in any kind of suspicious behavior that could hinder you from using HYC. If you believe you have been mistakenly blocked, get in contact with our support at the "need help" button.

  3. Deposit: on the "Deposit" tab, choose the token you want to transfer, select a fixed amount (the current version only supports fixed amounts), and click "Deposit".

  1. SAVE YOUR TICKET: before confirming your deposit, copy and save the ticket. It will also be automatically downloaded to your local machine to avoid being lost. The ticket will be used to generate your ZK proof, so you must keep it safe somewhere. If you loose your ticket, you'll loose access to your deposited funds.

  2. Finalize Deposit: click Deposit and approve the transaction.

  3. Wait: There is an interval in which you need to keep your funds in the smart contract so that they can be actually mixed, and the transaction becomes anonymous. We recommend waiting at least 30 minutes. The more you wait, the more anonymous you are.

  4. Withdraw: after waiting, go to the withdrawal page, paste your ticket, add a recipient address, and click "withdraw".

  5. Generate a withdrawal proof: based on your ticket, the smart contract will generate a ZK proof for you to be able to withdraw the funds you've deposited. Since it is a heavy mathematical operation, it may take some minutes. All you need to do is wait. *If you experience any problems, we recommend cleaning your cache.

  6. Confirm: click confirm to initiate the withdrawal and wait.

  7. That's it, your funds have been successfully withdrawn. You just made a private transaction!

Last updated