Why use a mixer?

Blockchains such as Ethereum and NEAR are transparent by design, which means that every transaction is stored and publicly available for anyone to see. You have what is called pseudonymous accounts, which means that your wallet is not directly connected to yourself.

However, someone may find out, at some point, what is your wallet and trace back all the activities that you have done, everyone that you have interacted with, and your wallet's balance. In the traditional financial system, bank secrecy offers a basic level of privacy by keeping transactions confidential between the bank and authorities.

To achieve widespread adoption, blockchain technology must provide this same level of privacy and has the potential to enhance it with innovative solutions such as Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology.

Is it guaranteed that my transaction will be 100% anonymous when using hideyour.cash?

It is impossible to remain 100% anonymous. What the mixer does is: instead of sending a transaction directly to another wallet, you'll send a cryptographic transaction to the mixer, get a proof of your deposit, which can't be traced back to your wallet, and you can use this proof to withdraw your funds.

By the time you're doing that, many people will be doing the same thing. So all the transactions will be "mixed" on the protocol, and it won't be possible to know for sure where they came from.

The fact is that if the volume on the protocol is too small, it will be easier to trace back the transaction to the deposited wallet since the "mixing" will have a smaller volume. It's impossible to be 100% sure of where it came from, but the less volume and the less time the funds are kept on the mixer, the bigger the probability of finding out the wallet that has deposited the funds.

Am I completely anonymous on the internet when using hideyour.cash?

While using a mixer service on a blockchain can help to increase your anonymity, it does not provide complete anonymity.

Mixer services work by breaking the link between the sender and recipient of a transaction, which makes it difficult for anyone to trace the transaction back to the original sender. However, it's important to note that mixer services can still be subject to surveillance, tracking, and even infiltration by malicious actors.

Additionally, while the use of a mixer can hide the source of funds, it does not necessarily provide complete privacy of the transaction itself. The amount of the transaction and the destination address are still visible on the blockchain, which can provide some clues about the transaction.

In conclusion, using a mixer service on a blockchain can help to increase your anonymity, but it is not a foolproof way to achieve complete anonymity on the internet. It's always a good idea to take other privacy measures, such as using a virtual private network (VPN), using encrypted messaging apps, and being cautious about the information you share online.

How does hideyour.cash blocks suspicious wallets?

Hideyour.cash has an allowlist and blocklist mechanism. Only allowed wallets can interact with the protocol. We have partners that trace on-chain wallet activities and create a "suspicion score" from this data. Suspicious wallets won't be able to deposit or withdraw from the protocol.

If a bad actor deposits into the protocol before our partners can add their wallets to a suspicious list, they can still be blocked from withdrawing. Even if they are on the allowlist, they can be added to a blocklist at any time. If they try to withdraw their funds before being added to the suspicious list, they risk being easily tracked, since it will be a faster transaction, therefore less mixing.

Hideyour.cash utilizes game theory to deter malicious behavior. It is not profitable for a bad actor to use hideyour.cash, as they could be blocked at any moment. Withdrawing funds too quickly also increases the chance of being traced.

I lost my ticket. What can I do?

Unfortunately, if you lose your ticket, which is a hash that will generate a zero-knowledge (ZK) proof, it's not possible to recover it. The hash function is a one-way function, which means that once the input data is hashed, the resulting hash value cannot be reversed to recover the original input data. It means that your funds will be blocked on the smart contract forever, unless you know your ticket.

This is a critical aspect of the security of ZK proofs, as it ensures that even if an attacker gains access to a hash value, they cannot use it to derive the original input data and compromise the privacy of the user.

Therefore, it's important to keep a record of the hash values (ticket) used to generate ZK proofs, and to keep them in a secure location.

How long does it take to generate the ZK proof?

It may take from 30 seconds to a few minutes, due to heavy mathematical operations. If it takes too long, you can clean your cache and try again (just remember to always save your ticket).

I'm having problems when withdrawing.

Before anything else, please, clean your cache and try to withdraw again. If this doesn't work, get in contact with our support through the app.

When will you have a Token?

Please refer to Governance and Token Section.

Last updated